FIK Asian Zone Kendo Referee Seminar 2019

FIK Asian Zone Kendo Referee Seminar
Date: Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 of March 2019.
Venue: National Taiwan University Sports Center B1 Martial Art Room 1, Sec., 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, Taiwan 106.
Invitation letter from FIK
FIK Instructors
(1) Mr. Koji Kato, Kendo Hanshi 8 Dan
(2) Mr. Takao Fujiwara, Kendo Hanshi 8 Dan
(3) Mr. Toru Kamei, Kendo Hanshi 8 Dan
FIK Referee Evaluators
(1) Mr. Koji Kato (FIK)
(2) Mr. Byung-Yoon Seo (Asia Zone)
(2) Mr. Yoshiteru Tagawa (America Zone)
(2) Mr. Jean-Pierre Labru (Europe Zone)
FIK Officers
(1) Director: Mr. Hsiang-Lo Wu (Chinese Taipei)
(2) Director: Mr. Seung- Ho Shin (Korea)
Athletes from Japan by courtesy of All Japan Kendo Federation
Mr. Ryuji Adachi (Saitama Prefectural Police)
Mr. Ryota Tani (Aichi Prefectural Police)
Mr. Kengo Nakatake (Miyazaki Prefectural Police)
Mr. Shuhei Mochizuki (Fukuoka Prefectural Police)
Ms. Maria Asano (Chuo University)
Ms. Kiharu Sakata (Chuo University)
Athletes from Korea by courtesy of Korea Kumdo Association
(1) Mr. Ho Saeng Kim (Incheon City)
(2) Mr. Do Ha Kim (Gumi City)
(3) Mr. Sang Min Lee (Dalseo District)
(4) Mr. Ji Ung Lee (Changwon City)

Mr. Kato, Chief Instructor from FIK delivers a lecture talk.

President Cheng, Vice President Wu, FIK Instructors and Evaluators, FIK Director Mr. Shin and FIK Assistant Secretary General Mr. Takamori

FIK Referee Evaluators.

All Participants of the Seminar.

Athletes from Japan , Korea and Chinese Taipei.
Special thanks go to them for their contribution to the seminar with high-level simulation competitions.
Scenes from the seminar.