FIK European Zone Kendo Referee Seminar 2019

FIK European Zone Kendo Referee Seminar
Date: Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd of February 2019.
Venue: ADEPS Sports Centre “Forêt de Soignes”, Chaussée de Wavre 2057, 1160 BRUSSELS (Auderghem).
Invitation letter from EKF
FIK Instructors
(1) Mr. Minoru Makita, Kendo Hanshi 8 Dan
(2) Mr. Koji Kasamura, Kendo Hanshi 8 Dan
(3) Mr. Naoki Eiga, Kendo Kyoshi 8 Dan
FIK Referee Evaluators
(1) Mr. Minoru Makita (FIK)
(2) Mr. Yoshiteru Tagawa (America Zone)
(3) Mr. Jean-Pierre Labru (Europe Zone)
FIK Officers
(1) Vice President: Mr. Dieter Hauck
(2) Auditor: Ms. Donatella Castelli
Athletes from Japan by courtesy of All Japan Kendo Federation
Mr. Shun Yamanaka (Imperial Guard Headquarters)
Mr. Yuuki Nishino (Tokyo Metropolitan Police)
Mr. Hiroki Miyamoto (Kanagawa Prefectural Police)
Mr. Kuniharu Miyazaki (Kanagawa Prefectural Police)
Ms. Ayuko Fukuda (Meiji University)
Ms. Yurina Maruoka (Meiji University)

Mr. Hauck, President of European Kendo Federation (EKF) gives an opening remarks.

Mr. Makita, Chief Instructor from FIK introduces the last words of Mochisa sensei.

Mr. Kasamura demonstrates what “Ha-suji” is.

FIK Instructors and Referee Evaluators, EKF board members and the Participants in the Red group.

With the participants in the Black group and the Athletes from Japan and EKF.

Athletes from Japan with Mr. Hauck.
Special thanks go to them for their contribution to the seminar with high-level simulation competitions.
Scenes from the seminar.