The 12th European Jodo Championships (12EJC)

- 1. Promoting Organization:
- European Kendo Federation (EKF)
- 2. Hosting Organization:
- Austrian Kendo Association (AKA)
- 3. Technical Assistant:
- International Kendo Federation (FIK)
- 4. Place and Venue:
- Auhof Gymnasium
Linz, Austria
Events & Term: September 15 (Sunday), 2013
Date | Events |
September 15 (Sunday) |
Team Championship |
Mudan Individual Championship | |
Shodan Individual Championship | |
Nidan Individual Championship | |
Sandan Individual Championship | |
Yondan Individual Championship | |
Godan Individual Championship |
FIK Official and Instructors:
- 1. Vice President:
- Alain Ducarme
- 2. Instructor:
- Mitsuo Shiiya, Hanshi 8 Dan
- 3. Instructor:
- Hiroshi Arai, Hanshi 8 Dan
- 4. Instructor:
- Fumio Tsubaki, Kyoshi 7 Dan
Click here for photos of Championships !
Mudan Individual
1st Place | Steven Cool | Belgium |
2nd Place | Alenca Olsson | Sweden |
3rd Place | Ivan Kunchev Kunchev | Bulgaria |
Piotr Kukla | Netherlands |
PDF: 12EJC_Mudan Individual_Tournament Ladder
Shodan Individual
1st Place | Adriana Nagyova | Slovakia |
2nd Place | Tea Lähdeniemi | Finland |
3rd Place | Dennis Briene | Netherlands |
Ziemowit Domanski | Poland |
PDF: 12EJC_Shodan Individual_Tournament Ladder
Nidan Individual
1st Place | Jesper Waldestål | Sweden |
2nd Place | Jakub Kolasa | Poland |
3rd Place | Valentin Vervack | Belgium |
Martti Joonas Pihlaja | Finland |
PDF: 12EJC_Nidan Individual_Tournament Ladder
Sandan Individual
1st Place | Jonathan Vandenbussche | Belgium |
2nd Place | Marjan De Block | Belgium |
3rd Place | Roberto Milana | Italy |
Simon Johannes Bleiker | Switzerland |
PDF: 12EJC_Sandan Individual_Tournament Ladder
Yondan Individual
1st Place | Sida Yin | Sweden |
2nd Place | Bruno Lehmann | Switzerland |
3rd Place | Eric Bernardi | Switzerland |
Lukasz Machura | Poland |
PDF: 12EJC_Yondan Individual_Tournament Ladder
Godan Individual
1st Place | Robert Völkmann | Germany |
2nd Place | Alastair James Colebourn | United Kingdom |
3rd Place | Katja Fleury | Switzerland |
Beat Bähler | Switzerland |
PDF: 12EJC_Godan Individual_Tournament Ladder
1st Place | Germany | |
2nd Place | Sweden | |
3rd Place | Poland | |
Switzerland | ||
Fighting Spirit | Ekaterina Skomorokhova | Russia |
Sandra Fernandes dos Santos | Portugal | |
Gancho Georgiev Zagorski | Bulgaria |
PDF: 12EJC_Team_Tournament Ladder
Photos for Championships
Opening Ceremony
FIK Instructors and EKF Officers