The 4th European Iaido Championships (4EIC)


 Promoting Organization: European Kendo Federation  (EKF)
2. Hosting Organization: Comite National de Kendo/FFJDA
3. Technical Assistant:
International Kendo Federation (FIK)
4. Place and Venue:
Halle Georges Carpentier
Paris, France

Events & Term: July 6 (Saturday), 1996

Date Events
July 6
Mudan Individual Championship
Shodan Individual Championship
Nidan Individual Championship
Sandan Individual Championship
Yondan Individual Championship
Godan Individual Championship

101 players from 9 countries were participated.

FIK Instructors:

1. Instructor:
Akimori Kusama, Hanshi 9 Dan
2. Instructor:
Tadashi Fujita, Hanshi 8 Dan
3. Instructor:
Hiroyuki Konaka, Hanshi 8 Dan


Mudan Individual

1st Place Raili (Bükk, Parkkonen) Salminen Sweden
2nd Place
3rd Place

Shodan Individual

1st Place Martin Lindgren Sweden
2nd Place
3rd Place

Nidan Individual

1st Place Alastair James Colebourn United Kingdom
2nd Place
3rd Place

Sandan Individual

1st Place Engelkes Sweden
2nd Place
3rd Place

Yondan Individual

1st Place Wim den Haan Netherlands
2nd Place Jhonnie Martina Sweden
3rd Place

Godan Individual

1st Place
2nd Place Patrik Demuynck Belgium
3rd Place


1st Place United Kingdom
2nd Place
3rd Place


Other Tournaments