The 6th European Jodo Championships (6EJC)


1. Promoting Organization:
European Kendo Federation  (EKF)
2. Hosting Organization:
Comite National de Kendo/FFJDA
3. Technical Assistant:
International Kendo Federation (FIK)
4. Place and Venue:
Halle Georges Carpentier
Paris, France

Events & Term: November 3 (Saturday) & 4 (Sunday), 2007

Date Events
November 3
Mudan Individual Championship
Shodan Individual Championship
Nidan Individual Championship
Sandan Individual Championship
Yondan Individual Championship
Godan Individual Championship
November 4
Team Championship

FIK Official and Instructors:

1. Vice President:
Alain Ducarme
2. Instructor:
Kenji Matsui, Hanshi 8 Dan
3. Instructor:
Shigehiro Matsumura, Hanshi 8 Dan
4. Instructor:
Mitsuo Shiiya, Hanshi 8 Dan


Mudan Individual

1st Place Liviu-Stefan Vlad Belgium
2nd Place Joanna Dyjas Poland
3rd Place Dieter Coudyzer Belgium
Luc Quaglia France
Fighting Spirit Steven Tomas Burgman Netherlands

Shodan Individual

1st Place Sophie Noble France
2nd Place Jonathan Vandenbussche Belgium
3rd Place Felix Klein Germany
Peter Hellberg Sweden
Fighting Spirit Munia Hweidi Jordan

Nidan Individual

1st Place Łukasz Machura Poland
2nd Place Laurent Payen France
3rd Place Kurt Dumoulin Belgium
Ronny Dumoulin Belgium
Fighting Spirit Emanuele Covino Italy

Sandan Individual

1st Place Katja Fleury Switzerland
2nd Place Sandra Essig Germany
3rd Place Dragomir Lubomirov United Kingdom
Bruno Lehmann Switzerland
Fighting Spirit Emmanuel Douez France

Yondan Individual

1st Place Kevin F. J. Groos Netherlands
2nd Place Robert Hugh Darby United Kingdom
3rd Place Christophe Giovannelli France
Roland Tropschug Germany
Fighting Spirit William Low Smart United Kingdom

Godan Individual

1st Place Andrew Peter Watson United Kingdom
2nd Place Bernhard Merkel Germany
3rd Place Karl Dannecker Germany
Daniel Champeimont France
Fighting Spirit Daniel Champeimont France


1st Place United Kingdom
2nd Place Netherlands
3rd Place France
Fighting Spirit Italy



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