FIK Asian Zone Kendo Referee Seminar 2008

FIK Asia-zone Kendo Referee Seminar was held on 25th and 26th October 2008 at Chamshi Gymnastic Gym in Seoul Korea.
The Officials and Instructors from FIK Japan were as follows.
Mr. Shuji Fukumoto FIK Vice President
Dr. Yukio Sato FIK Secretary General
Mr. Yoshio Okushima Hansi 8 Dan
Mr. Hitoshi Murakami, Hanshi 8 Dan
Number of trainee was 29 from 7 countries and total attendee was more than 60 including the exhibition match players and local Kendo staffs.
Following to the opening message by Mr. Ree, former Director of Korea Kumdo Association, Mr Fukumoto FIK VP made a speech what is the important point for the refereeing, and also FIK instructors made the important explanation for Kendo Referee.
The main point of this seminar was to clarify and ascertain Yukodatotsu and detail of refereeing.
After 2 days seminar, judging skill of Yukodatotsu has been improved and confirmed that some trainees will be selected for the World Kendo Championship referee.